Online Training, FGD & Coaching

Webinar 1

Building an Effective and Sustainable Business in the New Normal Era

Trias Puspita Hayati – Business Operation Manager of SIRCLO

The activities were held on Friday, 20 November 2020 via Zoom at 16.00-17.30 WIB. There were 104 participants from recipients and alumni of the KSE scholarship from 31 state universities throughout Indonesia. Kennyarso Soejatman - representing Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, was pleased to officially open the Online Seminar "Building an Effective and Sustainable Business in the New Normal Era" followed by the presentation of ONPreneurship material by Mrs. Trias Puspita Hayati (Business Operations Manager at SIRCLO) and guided by moderator Mrs. Sophianta Dewi.

The material provided contains an overview of the business world during the new normal, changing buyer behavior, and the opportunities that arise at this time. By analyzing these developments, the business that is built is expected to survive and be sustainable.

Webinar 2

Smart and Dare to Develop Business in a Time of Pandemic

Rizky Ramadhanny – GM Incubation Product of KG Media

This activity has been carried out on Friday, December 10, 2020 via Zoom at 16:00-18:00 WIB. The number of participants was 300 KSE students and alumni from 34 state KSE’s universities partners.

The material provided strategies to maintain a business during a pandemic and how to develop the business.

Webinar 3

”Mindset and Basic of Entrepreneur”

Hari Subagya – Professional Motivator and Trainer

This activity has been carried out on Saturday, May 1, 2021, via Zoom at 09:30-12:00 WIB. The number of participants was 120 KSE students and alumni from 34 state KSE’s universities partners.

The material provided contains an overview of the basic skills needed in running a business, such as marketing, finance, management, etc. No less important is the mindset and motivation for an entrepreneur.

Webinar 4

Product Photography and Visuals

Bambang Heryanto – Professional Photographer

This activity has been carried out on Saturday, May 1, 2021, via Zoom at 13:00-15:30 WIB. The number of participants was 120 KSE students and alumni from 34 state KSE’s universities partners.

The material provided contains basic techniques in product photography for marketing. Good and attractive photos will support the sales and branding of the business being run.

Webinar 5

Research in Business

Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani – Lecturer and Consultant

This activity has been carried out on Saturday, June 12, 2021, via Zoom at 13:00-15:30 WIB. The number of participants was 100 KSE students and alumni from 34 state KSE’s universities partners.

The material was how the importance of doing research in business. Good research will minimize mistakes and also have the potential to grow the business. Research can be held in the market conditions, product development, etc.

Webinar 6

Business Branding

Amalia Maulana – Lecturer and Consultant

This activity has been carried out on Monday, June 21 2021 via Zoom at 13:00-15:30 WIB. The number of participants was 100 KSE students and alumni from 34 state KSE’s universities partners.

The material gave how the importance of branding in business. Branding is not only limited to products or business units, but personal branding can also support business.

Focus Group Discussion

This activity has been carried out on Monday, April 5, 2021, via Zoom at 14:00-16:00 WIB. The number of participants was 100 recipients and alumni of KSE scholarships from 28 KSE’s universities partners. This activity was guided by Hengky Poerwowidagdo - Chief Operating Officer of KSE.

This meeting discussed the business progress reports undertaken by the participants since the opening of the program, the description of the entrepreneurship program run by KSE from webinars to offline training.


This activity has been carried out for 3 group coaching sessions for 1.5 months. The first meeting was on September 16, 2021 via Zoom at 09:00-12:00 WIB. The number of participants was 50 students and alumni of the KSE scholarship from 20 state KSE’s universities partners. The 8 participating coaches are internationally certified coaches.

Coach name:

  • Rini Haerinnisya

  • Agustina Indrawati

  • Sylvina Savitri

  • Dian Mozaix

  • Anita Virgyanti

  • Maria Qibtiyah

  • Ihsan Obi

  • Dr Maria Eko