Entrepreneur Academy Program



Make Changes


Build Networking


Empower Others

What It Is

In line with the development of the KSE scholarship program, Karya Salemba Empat Foundation is aware that building a nation can be done by creating appropriate jobs for many people besides by realizing a smart nation. The students as the successors of the nation should have more visions to promote the welfare of the people of Indonesia.

Objectives of the Entrepreneur Academy program:

  • Creating employment for many people

  • Increase the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia

  • Giving awareness to students to become a vibrant and strong entrepreneur

  • Advancing and prospering the community, especially students, so they are not merely the job seekers but also the creators of the job

  • Fostering the students' attitude, behavior, enthusiasm, and entrepreneurship skills as well as enhancing their creativity and innovation

  • Provide incomes for them and their family

What We Do

Entrepreneur Academy was founded with the vision of building the welfare of the Indonesian nation through young entrepreneurs

KSE is committed to providing training & mentoring support for young entrepreneurs.

Through the entrepreneur and alumni community, KSE aims to encourage and develop young entrepreneurs so that they can achieve their goals & visions.

Online Training

This activity organized by the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation in collaboration with various parties which aims to train and improve students and alumni insight and skills about Entrepreneurship.

FGD & Coaching

Coaching session with the aim of providing assistance to participants, raising awareness, finding their goals, and their reasons to be entrepreneurs.

Amazing Race & Challenge

Amazing Race is a survival activity for several days and in several cities by selling products and services.

Amazing Challenge is an activity to help businesses to scale up in a destination city for a few days.