KSE Entrepreneur Academy is a development program for the young generation who want to learn to become entrepreneurs with integrity and contribute to the nation.

Established in 2016 under the supervision of the KSE Foundation and the support of the Give2Asia Foundation, this program has helped more than 600 students.

Karya Salemba Empat Foundation (KSE) is a non-profit organization that provides assistance related to education for Indonesian young generation, especially those who are currently studying in college.

KSE has provided financial assistance and self-development programs to more than 12,000 students in collaboration with more than 30 individual donors as well as national and international corporations.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Give2Asia is an international nonprofit that serves as a strategic partner and ally working on the ground in more than 23 countries across the Asia Pacific. Our role is to strengthen the work of local organizations and mobilize support through philanthropic giving from Individuals, Family Foundations, and Corporations. 


During this pandemic time, we have carried out various activities both online and offline.

Business Profile of Participants